1099 E-filing Service

We make 1099 e-filing as easy as 1-2-3.
File 1099, 1098, W-2, and ACA Forms.

Updated December 10, 2024

mail and efile image for eFile360
IRS approved e-File Provider

We are an IRS approved e-file provider, which means you can rest assured that you are in good hands when you use our 1099 e-filing service. We transmit information to the IRS on time. We keep track of all changes in specifications and make sure that our software is always updated with the latest changes. You don’t have to worry about staying on top of these ever-changing specifications.

IRS approved e-file provider

Are you ready to save time and money to e‑file your information returns?

Related Questions

The IRS requires any corporation, partnership, employer, estate and or trust, who is required to file 250 or more information returns for the calendar year, must file electronically. IRS encourages filers who have less than 250 information returns to file electronically as well.

If you have less than 250 Information Return Forms (1099, etc.), you can file on paper. However, filing 1099s electronically is convenient than filing on paper. If filing on paper, if you have to get the correct paper form, fill it out and then mail it to the IRS. Instead, you can use a service provider like eFile360 and submit your forms electronically in minutes. If you have over 250 forms, then you are required to file electronically.

If you are filing on paper, you need to fill out Copy A of 1099, fill out the 1096 form and mail it to the IRS. However, if you are using a service provider, you can upload your data, and the service provider would file the forms electronically with the IRS.

The amount of the penalty is based on when you file the correct information return. It is $50 per 1099 if you file within 30 days of the due date, the maximum penalty of $194,000. The penalty increases to $100 per 1099 if you submit more than 30 days after the due date but by August 1; the maximum penalty is $556,500. If you file after August 1, the penalty increases to $280 per 1099 form, with a maximum of $3,392,000. Additionally, there are penalties for failure to furnish the payee statement. Please, check out 1099 filing penalties for more information.

We have different filing options and a tiered pricing structure. So the more forms you have lesser, you would pay per form. Please check out our pricing for details.

January 31 is the deadline for providing contractors with 1099 copies, submitting paper 1099 forms, and e-filing 1099 forms. Please check out 1099 filing deadlines for more information.

In addition to filing 1099 forms with the IRS, we provide 1099 statements to recipients. Please see the 1099 mailing service for more details. IRS allows the electronic delivery of recipient statements as well. Please check out our E-Delivery service for more information.

You can easily export your data from Quickbooks or any other bookkeeping software and populated our template Excel file. Once you have the data in our Excel template, you can easily upload it to our system.

We participate in the Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program, where the IRS sends the information to participating states. There is no additional cost to it. However, not all states participate in the CF/SF program, and your state may have some other requirements. Please check with your state.

An IRS Form 1096 is not required when you e-file. Form 1096 is a summary form and is only needed when filing on paper.

You don't need to buy any paper form or software for that matter. That's a significant advantage of e-filing.

Yes, you can use your account and file for many of your clients.

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